About the Council

Parish Councils are statutory bodies and are the first tier of local government in England. They are independently elected and raise a precept from the local community.

The Parish Councillors are your elected representatives on the Parish Council, accountable to the voters of the areas they represent. They vote on the key policy decisions which effect the services your Parish Council provides and should be your first point of contact regarding the big issues which are affecting the community in which you live.

Parish Councils have a variety of powers and duties and maintain important and visible local services including allotments, bridleways, burial grounds, maintenance of war memorials, bus shelters, car parks, commons and open spaces, community transport schemes, community safety and crime reduction measures, events and festivals, footpaths, leisure and sports facilities, litter bins, public toilets, planning, street cleaning and lighting, tourism activities, traffic calming measures, village greens and youth projects.

Great Bedwyn Parish Council’s duties include :-

  • Managing the allotments in Back Lane.
  • Grounds maintenance at the Memorial Playing Field, War Memorial and Church Yard.
  • Hedge cutting and tree work in some shared areas.
  • The playground at the Memorial Playing Field.
  • Liaising with Wiltshire Council and other agencies on issues affecting residents.
  • Supporting and providing grants to community organisations.

The Parish Council is consulted on planning applications, and routinely makes comments, but it has no responsibility for the decisions made. Planning approval lies with Wiltshire Council.

Wiltshire Council
Wiltshire Council is the unitary authority for most of the county of Wiltshire and is responsible for, amongst other things :-

  • Education. Social welfare. Housing services
  • Planning and building control. Environmental health services.
  • Sports and leisure facilities. Library services
  • Roads, traffic signage, the imposition of speed limits and the gritting of roads in winter. Local transport policy.
  • Refuse collection. Street cleaning. The operation of the household amenities (recycling) sites. Investigating and removing fly-tipping and abandoned cars.

Great Bedwyn