Parish councils are consulted about planning applications, and routinely make comments, but have no responsibility for the decisions made; planning approval lies with Wiltshire Council.
When a new application is received, it is discussed at a Planning Committee meeting which is held the 2nd Thursday of every month (see About the Council page for details). Informal site visits may be undertaken by Cllrs to view the site in question. Notices for Planning Committee meetings are
posted on the Parish Council noticeboard at the Chains and on our website and Facebook page.
Great Bedwyn Conservation Area
Please refer to Wiltshire Council Conservation Areas for planning policy in conservation areas. The regulations are complex and if you are in doubt, we recommend checking with the Conservation Section of Wiltshire Council before starting work.
In November 2023 Wiltshire Council consulted on their draft Local Plan. The attached document is the approved response from Great Bedwyn Parish Council. GBPC draft Local Plan feedback to WCC