The Council's finances are regularly reviewed and form part of the agenda of every council meeting. At the end of the financial year the Council prepares the Annual Return which is audited by an internal auditor and a government appointed external auditor. The Annual Return can be downloaded below.
The Council prepares a yearly budget on which the precept is based. The budget can be downloaded below along with the Finance Report.
The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 sets out the new audit framework for local public authorities. Under the new audit framework smaller authorities, including parish councils, with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 will be exempt from routine external audit from 1 April 2017. Instead smaller authorities must comply with the transparency requirements laid out in The Smaller Authorities Transparency Code 2015. If required, the Parish Council will comply with the Transparency Code by following the publication requirements below. Please note that if the council's income or expenditure exceeds £25,000 in any financial year, it does not need to comply with the Transparency code, but will still publish as much information as it is able to.
The Transparency Code requires smaller authorities to publish:
- all items of expenditure above £100
- end of year accounts
- annual governance statement
- internal audit report
- list of councillor or member responsibilities
- the details of public land and building assets
- Minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings.
To note that it is unlikely that Great Bedwyn Parish Council will fall into the smaller council's bracket of £25,000 income or expenditure per year. (2024)
If an
elector has a question or objection about a council external audit, he/she must contact the relevant audit appointing body who will then assign an auditor to deal with their question or objection.
Great Bedwyn Parish Council sets a budget each year for the award of grants to local community organisations. Applications for grants must be sent to the clerk.